Water management

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The manufacturing process of Primax Group's products mostly refers to assembly and, therefore, does not require a large amount of water. Most of the water demand isfor people's livelihood, and some plant equipment such as kitchens and cooling towers.Upon evaluation, it is found that the main water source used by the Group is tap water,while rainwater and groundwater are not utilized. Additionally, the water usage is foundcomplying with local regulations, and the withdrawal volume has no significant impacton the water sources. Notwithstanding, Primax still continues to monitor the water consumption by the production plants and strives to reduce the water consumption. To strengthen Primax Group's water resource management strategy, all nine major operating sites have obtained the ISO 14046 Water Footprint Verification Statement and formulated a water balance map of each plant to help reinforce our water conservation strategy.

Primax Group assesses water stress risk in the annual physical risk assessment and uses the World Resources Institute's Water Risk Atlas for various regions of the world for simulation and analysis to estimate water stress on the actual business activities of Primax Group under different scenarios. In the 2023 assessment, most of the operating locations/suppliers in Taiwan and China were found involving low-to-medium risk, while the operating locations and some suppliers in Thailand may be at risk of water shortage. Please refer to the 2023 Climate-related Financial Disclosure Report for details on the adaptionand management measures taken by Primax.

Primax Group's water consumption in 2023 is reduced by 91 , 070m3 from the water consumption in 2022 , decreased by approximately 10.45%. The water consumption intensity was 12.90m3 /Million NTD,an increase of 17.31% from 2022 , but decreased by 6.61% from the water consumption intensity in the base year of 2020 .While implementing energy-saving projects at various plant sites,we also paid attention to water usage and avoided unnecessary wastage by implementing practical water reduction measures. Primax's Liuwu Plant and Tymphany Huizhou implemented a reclaimed water system that enabled it to recycle and reuse production effluents. Recycled effluents are filtered and used for various purposes such as watering plants and flushing toilets within the plant. Primax Chongqing and Primax Thailand have been recycling wastewater through RO for chilling of water tower and domestic water. Total volume of water recycled in 2022 was measured at 39.42 million liters, representing 5.05% of group-wide water usage. The recycling helps minimize use of fresh water, discharge of wastewater, and the overall environmental impact.

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