- Recognized as aleader-level inclimate changeand supply chainengagement fromCDP
- Primax Group Total GHG emission reduced 63.56% compared to the base year, 2019.

- Primax Taipei and Tymphany Huizhou won the Award for HR Asia-Best Companies to Work for in Asiain 2023.
- Primax Taipei was recognized as one of the Top 50 in the 2023 CommonWealth Sustainable Talent Awards.
- Won the Better Tomorrow Award (DBTA), the awards including the Best ESG Companies to Work for and Best Human Resources Team

G(Corporate Governance)
- Selected as a member of 2024 S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook and won the Industry Mover Award in the industry.
- Ranked 20th in the 2023 CommonWealth Sustainable Talent Awards for Large Enterprises
- Rated A in MSCI ESG.